Tours, Stories, Fleece, Fiber, Yarn and Pet Hair!

If you're in the area, please bring your children, nieces or nephews by and let them hand feed an alpaca or bottle feed a bummer (that's what sheep people call lambs who's mom's have deserted them) lamb. It's quite an exerience for children to be able to feed the animals by hand or with a bottle. They like the idea that they could become a lamb's mommy and they like to talk about it.
Each year, we have different lambs, alpacas, and other animals, so let us know if you're coming to visit. We have story times for the children and can talk to the parents about "adopting" or buying animals. Spinners also can adopt lambs/sheep and in return for paying for their feed, will get the entire fleece for their own use.
I have some Icelandic wool for sale in charcoal, light gray, ivory, and white, and some Finn wool for sale in black and white from our spring shearing. I shear my sheep twice a year or their wool is too long to work with or to go through a carder. Fall shearing is coming up very quickly and I will have more wool as soon as the weather dries up. Then I will have raw fleeces in a Shetland/Lincoln cross (charcoal), some Finn/Icelandic cross (white and black), Finn (black adn white), Icelandic (dark through light grays, white, ivory, brown) and Romney (light tan). I also have some cinnamon and dark brown alpaca fiber for sale. This spring, I'll have Huacaya alpaca fiber in Dark brown, cinnamon, white and rose gray, as well as Suri alpaca in white. Contact me before it's gone.
If you're interested in yarn for knitting, crocheting, weaving, dyeing or felting; I have some available in a variety of colors in wool (white, browns, grays and charcoal) and alpaca (white, cinnamon, and dark brown). I can dye it in the colors of your choice or you can buy your own dye and dye it yourself.
Finn, Icelandic, Finn/Icelandic-(F/I-) cross wool, and alpaca felts easily. They can dyed in many colors or you can leave the fiber in their natural colors, then felt it into dolls, masks, characters, or anything you can dream of for yourself, your kids, or your friends. Though the Finn and Icelandic wool and the alpaca fiber felts very easily, the F/I-cross wool felts like a dream.
I do custom spinning also. If you have any long-haired cats or medium- to long-haired dogs (it's the undercoat that I spin) that have clean coats with no matts or vegtable matter in the hair, and if you have quite a bit of their hair, I can spin up some yarn for you with that as well. If there's not enough for a large project, I can also add some other fiber(s) of a close or matching color, blend it with your pet's hair, and there will be enough yarn for a hat, scarf, mittens, purse, and/or pillow. Cost will vary depending on what type of fiber is used to blend with the pet's hair and how much hair you give me from your pet.Let me know what you want or need and I will give you an estimate.

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